Thursday, April 26, 2007

Crank it up and let's ride

I have been working on Mustangs since the very first 64's came out and just as cool are the memories of having the battery charger hooked up so I could listen to Wolfman Jack late at night as he played Mustang Sally. And just like the Mustang that song is a classic that never gets old.

TRIVIA: Wolfman Jack orignaly got his start by working at a radio station accros the border down in Mexico. The station was heard over a large part of the states and as he became so popular he was asked to work at a well know station in Soother Cal. The rest is history. So what have we learned today... All great things (like fast Shelbys and great music) either start or end up in Mexico. Class is out now let's get back to work on the car.

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